KNUDSEN understands that sustainability is much more than an innovating process, therefore, within the held policies there is the Human Rights Respect Policy, that aims to reinforce a culture of social responsibility by the management, the team and the stakeholders.
The respect for the human rights is a fundamental part of Knudsen’s sustainability strategy.
This Policy was elaborated taking into account the good international practices and according to other Knudsen’s policies about respect for the human rights, namely:
a) Refuse child labour, forced and obligatory labour;
b) Refuse slave labour or any other kind of labour related to human traffic;
c) Respect the liberty of collective association and negotiation;
d) Respect the right of free circulation in each country;
e) Not discriminate by any reasons, mainly, race, gender, religion or nationality;
f) Respect the rights of ethnic minorities and native people in places where they develop their activities and indulge an open dialogue integrating different cultural marks; and
g) Respect the right to a healthy and pollution protected environment of all communities wherever it operates considering their expectations and needs;
h) Analyse the respect for the human rights through risk analysis and management system improvement opportunities, planning and acting whenever necessary, evaluating the efficiency of its actions.
i) Communicate the evaluation result to the yearly information shared with the stakeholders and make evidence on the Top Management Revision;
j) Promote respect for the human rights culture and sensibilization of all workers about this subject in all Knudsen’s working areas;
k) Enable complaint mechanisms and adopt severe measures when the violation of the human rights is detected in Knudsen, or in the supplier chain, and report to the authorities.
Parque industrial do Seixal, Lote 21
2840-072 Aldeia de Paio Pires
Phone: +351 212 108 500
After Hours: +351 918 706 808
FAX: +351 212 108 527